Dingy Denim Shirt

Monochrome though outstanding


This Dingy Denim Shirt makes a modern alternative to classic styles, with one pocket on the front and in a slightly faded wash, it will add an edge to your weekend wardrobe. Stylish and modern, this shirt will work wonders with your favorite jeans for that coverable double-denim look.


Praesent accumsan lacinia porta. Donec malesuada ultrices rutrum. Curabitur auctor dapibus eleifend. Suspendisse sed ipsum erat.

Additional information


red, blue, yellow, black


11, 11-12, 12.5, 13, 13.5

Nulla et nulla

tincidunt, tincidunt ligula

At, dignissim felis

convallis nibh eros


malesuada venenatis

Donec elit ante

consequat nec felis

Donec vitae

consequat turpis, at